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לקי כרבא

  • 1 הוצא I

    הוּצָאI m. ( הוץ; cmp. חוץ, עוץ) 1) (adj.) prickly. B. Kam.80a שרצאה׳ Ms. M. (ed. חרצא) a prickly creeping animal, v. חרְזָא. 2) the long and thin foliage of a palm-branch spreading from the stem. Succ.32a a Lulab דסליק בחדה׳ which spreads its foliage on one side only.Pl. הוּצֵי. B. Kam.96a if one stole a palm-branch ועבדינהוה׳ and tore it into leaves. Yoma 78b בדה׳ in shoes made of 3) prickly shrubbery used as fence, hedge. B. Kam.92a (prov.) בהדיה׳ לקי כרבא with the shrub the cabbage is smitten (the good suffer with the bad). Ned.49b אכיל בה׳ ate with a thorn (as a fork). Ib. 91b פרטיה … לה׳וכ׳ the lover parted the hedge and ran off. B. Bath.4a דנהיגי בה׳ ודפנא where it is customary to make fences with shrubbery or bay-trees.Ib. b ה׳ לית ליהוכ׳ where they use hedges for fences, the exclusive ownership of one neighbor can only be secured by a deed.Pl. הוּצֵי. Ib.

    Jewish literature > הוצא I

  • 2 הוּצָא

    הוּצָאI m. ( הוץ; cmp. חוץ, עוץ) 1) (adj.) prickly. B. Kam.80a שרצאה׳ Ms. M. (ed. חרצא) a prickly creeping animal, v. חרְזָא. 2) the long and thin foliage of a palm-branch spreading from the stem. Succ.32a a Lulab דסליק בחדה׳ which spreads its foliage on one side only.Pl. הוּצֵי. B. Kam.96a if one stole a palm-branch ועבדינהוה׳ and tore it into leaves. Yoma 78b בדה׳ in shoes made of 3) prickly shrubbery used as fence, hedge. B. Kam.92a (prov.) בהדיה׳ לקי כרבא with the shrub the cabbage is smitten (the good suffer with the bad). Ned.49b אכיל בה׳ ate with a thorn (as a fork). Ib. 91b פרטיה … לה׳וכ׳ the lover parted the hedge and ran off. B. Bath.4a דנהיגי בה׳ ודפנא where it is customary to make fences with shrubbery or bay-trees.Ib. b ה׳ לית ליהוכ׳ where they use hedges for fences, the exclusive ownership of one neighbor can only be secured by a deed.Pl. הוּצֵי. Ib.

    Jewish literature > הוּצָא

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